Wonderfully Done, a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself. Lauren & Vix share regular opinions and advice for all your curious questions about sex, relationships, love and everything in between. This is an explicitly shame-free, supportive space. If you have a burning question, we would love to hear it! Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Virginity Disclosure & Talking about Exes
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Wonderfully Done is a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself!
In this episode, Lauren and Vix discuss ways to address experience anxiety with sexual partners later in life, and explore a scenario where messages from an old FWB cause tension in a long term monogamous relationship!
Lauren & Vix share regular opinions and advice for all your curious questions about sex, relationships, love and everything in between.
Questions like:
- Is my vibrator lying to me?
- How do I take nudes I’m proud of?
- How do I tell my partner I want to peg them?
This is an explicitly shame-free, supportive space. So, if you have a burning question or a topic you would like to hear our thoughts on, we would love to hear it!
Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone!
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Fanfic & Fanart feat. Cara Tune (Babysode)
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Wonderfully Done is a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself!
In this not-so-‘baby’ babysode, Lauren has a deliciously robust and fun conversation with our dear friend Cara Tune, about FANFICTION and FANART! This has been an area of much joy and exploration for them both. As a (frequently sexy) subject veiled in stigma and mystery, it felt like a very worthy exploration!
Who is Cara? She is the brilliant graphic designer behind the Wonderfully Done branding, and all around good egg! She’s an amazing professional artist: check her out at @caratune on Instagram and Twitter!
Lauren & Vix share regular opinions and advice for all your curious questions about sex, relationships, love and everything in between.
Questions like:
- Is my vibrator lying to me?
- How do I take nudes I’m proud of?
- How do I tell my partner I want to peg them?
This is an explicitly shame-free, supportive space. So, if you have a burning question or a topic you would like to hear our thoughts on, we would love to hear it!
Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone!
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Dating App Fear & Sexy Texting
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Wonderfully Done is a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself!
In this episode, Lauren and Vix discuss how to manage fears and expectations when approaching dating apps, and share inspiration plus personal experiences in the delicious world of taking nudes and sexting cuties!
Lauren & Vix share regular opinions and advice for all your curious questions about sex, relationships, love and everything in between.
Questions like:
- Is my vibrator lying to me?
- How do I take nudes I’m proud of?
- How do I tell my partner I want to peg them?
This is an explicitly shame-free, supportive space. So, if you have a burning question or a topic you would like to hear our thoughts on, we would love to hear it!
Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone!
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Kink Considerations & Pensive Penetrations
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Wonderfully Done is a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself!
In this episode Lauren and Vix have juicy chats about what to do when a partner reveals a kink that straight-up makes you uncomfortable, and how to approach conversations about arousal and how your body responds sexually.
Lauren & Vix share regular opinions and advice for all your curious questions about sex, relationships, love and everything in between.
Questions like:
- Is my vibrator lying to me?
- How do I take nudes I’m proud of?
- How do I tell my partner I want to peg them?
This is an explicitly shame-free, supportive space. So, if you have a burning question or a topic you would like to hear our thoughts on, we would love to hear it!
Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone!
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Partner Confidence & Mutual Mazzin’
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Wonderfully Done is a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself!
In this episode, Lauren and Vix explore motivations behind encouraging a partner's sexual self confidence, and discuss ‘normal’ in relation to masturbating.
Lauren & Vix share regular opinions and advice for all your curious questions about sex, relationships, love and everything in between.
Questions like:
- Is my vibrator lying to me?
- How do I take nudes I’m proud of?
- How do I tell my partner I want to peg them?
This is an explicitly shame-free, supportive space. So, if you have a burning question or a topic you would like to hear our thoughts on, we would love to hear it!
Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone!
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Her Royal Bi-Ness (Babysode)
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Wonderfully Done is a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself!
In this episode, Lauren and Vix celebrate Bisexuality+ Awareness Week by chatting about life as queer bi+ babes. Join them as they share identity journeys, ups and downs, confusions and frustrations, and importantly share in their bi-euphoria.
Lauren & Vix share regular opinions and advice for all your curious questions about sex, relationships, love and everything in between.
Questions like:
- Is my vibrator lying to me?
- How do I take nudes I’m proud of?
- How do I tell my partner I want to peg them?
This is an explicitly shame-free, supportive space. So, if you have a burning question or a topic you would like to hear our thoughts on, we would love to hear it!
Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone!
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Kissing, STI Status & Changing Dating Habits
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wonderfully Done is a wholesome show about sex, communication and loving yourself!
In this episode, Lauren and Vix discuss three shorter topics, including how to set up expectations by sharing your actual desires, making conversations about sexual health less awkward, and returning to dating cishet dudes after dating queer babes.
Lauren & Vix share regular opinions and advice for all your curious questions about sex, relationships, love and everything in between.
Questions like:
- Is my vibrator lying to me?
- How do I take nudes I’m proud of?
- How do I tell my partner I want to peg them?
This is an explicitly shame-free, supportive space. So, if you have a burning question or a topic you would like to hear our thoughts on, we would love to hear it!
Slide into our DMs with your questions @donewonderfully on Twitter, or slip us an anonymous message at curiouscat.qa/wonderfullydone!
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Sssexy Roleplay & Filthy Letters (Babysode)
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Are you ready for a different Wonderfully Done experience? This week, we’re getting a bit silly in our very first babysode, where Vix and Lauren have both picked mystery sex-related piece of media to get the other to read!
The media we read in this episode:
Lauren’s pick for Vix: [F4M] Repeat Customer
- The Story: This Cobra girl has gone to the local baker a few times a week for a while now, and it's clear the handsome young man is smitten with her. Throughout she moves slowly but deliberately to take what she wants. This Cobra girl knows that the young man wants her, so she's not shy about her feelings.
Vix’s pick for Lauren: James Joyce’ Dirty Letters
- Who is James Joyce? Well Wikipedia says ‘he contributed to the modernist avant-garde movement and is regarded as one of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century’
- In 1909 Joyce leaves alone for Dublin on a business trip, and stays there until the end of December - and he makes a pact with his wife to write to each other erotic letters
- Apparently, he was also an incredibly filthy letter writer!
Connect with us!
Our website: www.wonderfullydone.show
Facebook: Wonderfully Done
Twitter: @donewonderfully
Listen on Spotify!
Support the show!
Leave us a review wherever you listen
Join our newsletter here
Ask an anonymous question here
Lots of love,
Lauren and Vix 💋
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Friendly Nudes & Slaying Shit-Shame
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Happy Anal August, sweethearts! In this episode Lauren and Vix talk about sharing nudes with friends, followed by Vix interviewing Wonderfully Done’s very first guest! Josh, a queer psychologist, joins us for some real talk about anal and poop shame!
Our Special Guest for this Interview:
Josh Muller (they/them)
- A passionate advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community
- Josh describes their passion as - ‘..to help people live rich, full, and meaningful lives. LGBTQIA+ people often experience poor mental health and wellbeing, though this is due to stigma and discrimination in society. Working individually with people to help improve their lives is important, but only in conjunction with work to change society through advocacy and activism.’
- Visit their website here!
Connect with us!
Our website: www.wonderfullydone.show
Facebook: Wonderfully Done
Twitter: @donewonderfully
Listen on Spotify!
Support the show!
Leave us a review wherever you listen
Join our newsletter here
Ask an anonymous question here
Lots of love,
Lauren and Vix 💋
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Group Sex Gary & Carol Comes Quickly
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
In this episode, Vix and Lauren discuss introducing partners to concepts like group sex, and the underexplored topic of coming ‘too soon’ when you’re a cis woman.
Creators Mentioned in this episode:
OnlyFans Recommendation:
Book Recommendation:
‘Sex and Social Media’
- Written by Katrin Tiidenberg (Tallinn University, Estonia) and Emily van der Nagel (Monash University, Australia)
- A juicy book exploring the intersection of sex & social media
- Lauren and Vix were both participants in the research for this book
- Buy your own copy of the book here!
Connect with us!
Our website: www.wonderfullydone.show
Facebook: Wonderfully Done
Twitter: @donewonderfully
Listen on Spotify!
Support the show!
Leave us a review wherever you listen
Join our newsletter here
Ask an anonymous question here
Lots of love,
Lauren and Vix 💋